Support & Alimonyfamily law icon

Some of the most common questions our lawyers receive surround the payment of support, either to a spouse during or after a separation or divorce, or for minor children. The laws in these matters aren’t always clear, so confusion is understandable.

At Daley Zucker, LLC, our legal team is here to help you understand your rights and responsibilities when it comes to support matters. Whether you may be responsible for paying support, or may be entitled to receive support, our attorneys can help you get the answers you need to move forward.


Child Support in Pennsylvania

child-supportIn Pennsylvania, both parents are obligated to provide financial   support for their children. Generally, the courts do not become involved in support matters until one parent has left the home and the parents are unable to resolve issues between themselves.

Under Pennsylvania law, the Courts use a formula to calculate the amount of child support owed. In doing so, the Courts consider many factors, including the net income of both parties and the number of children for whom support is sought. Extraordinary expenses may also be considered. In addition, if a parent obligated to pay support fails to pay, legal action and court intervention may be necessary.

Child support is payable until a child reaches the age of 18 or graduates from high school, whichever happens later.

At Daley Zucker, LLC, we have extensive experience assisting clients with child support and child custody matters.
Schedule a Consultation at one of our three law office locations in Harrisburg, Lemoyne and Carlisle.



Spousal Support in Pennsylvania

If you are separated or divorcing, you might be entitled to support. Support options can take many forms, including spousal support, alimony pendente lite, and alimony.

Types of Support

Spousal support, alimony, and APL (alimony pendente lite) are forms of support provided by one spouse to the other. Spousal support is designed to provide the lower income spouse with a reasonable financial allowance during separation to help offset the cost of living expenses, such as mortgage payments or rent, medical insurance, food, gas, clothing and utility bills.

Alimony Pendente Lite is a form of temporary spousal support awarded after a divorce complaint has been filed that generally is paid only until a final divorce decree is issued and equitable distribution of the marital property has been finalized. APL is intended to provide the lower income earning spouse financial support in order to litigate the divorce.

Alimony may be awarded after the divorce is finalized. Alimony is not based on a formula, but rather is awarded within the discretion of the Court, based on alimony statutory factors. There are no guidelines to help determine an appropriate amount or duration of alimony. Rather, this decision is based upon an analysis of the needs of the party seeking support, and the financial ability of the other party to pay ongoing spousal maintenance.

The attorneys at Daley Zucker, LLC are here to assist in determining if your case involves a support need or obligation. The first step is talking with a lawyer you trust.
Schedule a Consultation at one of our three law office locations in Harrisburg, Lemoyne and Carlisle.

Protecting yourself and your family starts with the right family law attorney. From drafting prenuptial agreements to helping you navigate the complexities of child custody, support, or divorce, our attorneys are ready to help with practical solutions that lead to real results.

Ask about a free consultation with one of our Family Law attorneys!

Our Family Law Attorneys

Sandra L. Meilton
Tina M. Laudermilch
Karen W. Miller
Casey Johnson-Welsh

Important Documents

Family Law Questionnaire
Income and Expense Statement