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Much like Wills, Trusts are important tools in estate planning.

Trusts can be used to benefit your family in case of your death by:

  • Protecting your assets from creditors
  • Avoiding probate
  • Avoiding Federal Estate Gift tax
  • Providing effective property management

Because Trusts can be complicated and the powers granted to the trustee are great, Trust documents should be planned and drafted with great care.

If you have assets you want to protect, you may benefit from consulting with a trust attorney at Daley Zucker, LLC, who can help you provide for your loved ones, minimize taxes, and plan for the future.


What is a Trust?

What is a Trust?

A Trust is a legal entity, in which the person making the Trust (the settlor or grantor), transfers ownership or control of property to a trustee. Trusts, like Wills, are devices that provide for distribution of your property.

The trustee is then responsible for investing the property for the benefit of a third party (the beneficiary) designated by the settlor. Unlike a Will, a Trust may make distributions while you are still alive.

Trusts may also be used to supplement a Will, and are a common estate-planning tool. One type of Trust is a “Living Trust,” in which the person establishing the trust can also be the trustee and keep control over the property for the duration of his or her life.

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While there are many benefits to establishing a Trust, the rules and regulations are often complex. It’s best to discuss your options with an experienced estate attorney who can offer legal advice and help you create a complete estate plan.

At Daley Zucker, LLC, we’ve been helping families throughout Central Pennsylvania sort through the complexities of estate planning for more than 50 years. We have offices in Harrisburg, Lemoyne and Carlisle to serve you.




Trusts FAQ

Trusts are powerful and flexible estate planning tools that offer a multitude of benefits, from avoiding probate to ensuring your assets are protected and distributed according to your wishes. As you embark on the journey of estate planning, understanding trusts and their intricacies becomes essential.

This Trust FAQ is designed to provide you with comprehensive answers to common questions about trusts. It covers various aspects, from the fundamental “what is a trust?” to choosing the right type of trust for your unique needs and maintaining them over time.

Explore this guide to navigate the world of trusts confidently and make informed decisions about your estate’s future. Trusts can be complex, but with the right knowledge, you can harness their potential to safeguard your legacy.

What is a trust, and why should I consider one in my estate plan?

A trust is a legal arrangement that allows you to transfer ownership of your assets to a trustee for the benefit of specific individuals or entities. Trusts offer several benefits, such as avoiding probate, providing privacy, and ensuring precise asset distribution, making them a valuable component of many estate plans.

What types of trusts are available, and how do I choose the right one for me?

Trusts come in various forms, including revocable living trusts, irrevocable trusts, charitable trusts, and more. The choice of trust depends on your unique goals, assets, and circumstances. Consulting with an estate planning attorney is crucial to select the most suitable trust to meet your needs.

How do I fund a trust?

Funding a trust involves transferring ownership of your assets to the trust. The process varies depending on the type of trust, but typically, it requires updating the title on assets like real estate, bank accounts, and investments. Working closely with your attorney, you can develop a plan to fund your trust effectively.

What is the role of the trustee, and how do I choose one?

The trustee is responsible for managing trust assets and ensuring they are distributed according to the trust’s terms. When choosing a trustee, look for someone trustworthy, responsible, and competent in financial matters. Many individuals select family members, close friends, or professional trustees to fulfill this role.

Can I change or revoke a trust after it’s created?

It depends on the type of trust you establish. Revocable living trusts allow changes or revocation at any time, while irrevocable trusts typically cannot be modified without beneficiaries’ consent. Your attorney will guide you in selecting the trust that aligns with your intentions.

How can a trust help with estate tax planning?

Trusts can be an effective tool for reducing estate taxes. Irrevocable life insurance trusts, charitable trusts, and qualified personal residence trusts are examples of trusts designed to minimize tax liability. Consult with an attorney to explore the best options for your specific circumstances.

Can a trust protect assets from creditors or lawsuits?

Irrevocable trusts may provide asset protection benefits by placing assets beyond the reach of creditors or legal judgments. However, it’s crucial to set up such trusts well in advance, as attempting to protect assets during legal proceedings may raise legal challenges.

What is a “revocable living trust”?

A revocable living trust is an estate planning tool that allows you to retain control of your assets while specifying how they should be managed both during your lifetime and after your death. It serves as an essential component of many estate plans, helping avoid probate and maintain privacy.

Is a trust the same as a Will?

Trusts and wills serve distinct purposes. While a Will outlines the distribution of assets after your death, a trust can manage assets during your lifetime and distribute them according to your instructions. Both can be valuable components of a comprehensive estate plan.

Can I include my digital assets in a trust?

Yes, digital assets, such as online accounts, cryptocurrencies, and intellectual property, can be included in a trust. You can designate how these assets should be managed and transferred upon your incapacity or passing. Discuss your digital asset wishes with your attorney to ensure they are properly addressed.

What is the difference between a grantor, a trustee, and a beneficiary?

The grantor is the person who establishes the trust and transfers assets into it. The trustee manages and administers the trust on behalf of the beneficiaries, who are the individuals or entities that will ultimately receive the trust’s assets or income.

Can I name multiple beneficiaries in a trust?

Yes, it’s common to name multiple beneficiaries in a trust, specifying how the trust’s assets or income should be distributed among them. Your attorney can help you craft the trust’s terms to ensure your intentions are clear and legally sound.

How can I start the process of creating a trust?

To initiate the trust creation process, contact an experienced estate planning attorney. They will work closely with you to understand your goals and circumstances, recommend the most suitable trust type, and guide you through every step, ensuring your assets and legacy are protected according to your wishes.

Why should I work with an estate planning attorney for my trust?

Collaborating with an estate planning attorney is essential to navigate the complexities of trust creation. Attorneys provide extensive knowledge in drafting, funding, and managing trusts, helping you avoid potential pitfalls and ensuring your trust operates precisely as intended. Partnering with an attorney offers peace of mind that your assets will be protected and distributed effectively.

What can I expect during the trust creation process?

The trust creation process typically involves the following steps: initial consultation with your attorney, determining trust objectives, selecting beneficiaries and a trustee, drafting the trust document, transferring assets into the trust, and ongoing trust management. Your attorney will guide you through each stage, customizing the process to fit your needs and goals.

Can I make changes to my trust after it’s established?

Depending on the type of trust, you may be able to amend or revoke it. A revocable living trust allows changes, while irrevocable trusts typically do not. It’s essential to consult with your attorney if you wish to adjust your trust.

Depending on the size of your estate and your family situation, more complex planning may be required. Various trusts are available to both minimize taxes and protect loved ones. The attorneys at Daley Zucker, LLC can help with every aspect of your estate planning including:

Our Estate Planning Attorneys

Elliott A. Zucker
Vicky Ann Trimmer
Karen W. Miller