Divorce Mediationfamily law icon

Not every divorce needs to go to court or result in a contentious fight to the bitter end. Many couples choose the process of Divorce Mediation in Harrisburg, PA to negotiate the issues they face.

Divorce mediation, unlike litigation, is private, affords you and your spouse control over the process, and focuses on your individual needs and interests as you both move forward after the divorce.



Mediation can also provide other benefits including:

  • Improved communications
  • Preserving or maintaining your relationships after your divorce
  • Financial Savings

Related Post: How to Prepare for Divorce Mediation

How Does Divorce Mediation Work?

Choosing Mediation means you and your spouse meet with a trained mediator who will facilitate communication between the two of you. The mediator will help you have the difficult discussions necessary to make decisions, and ultimately reach agreements, relating to the relevant topics of your divorce, which may include:

Your mediator will not make decisions for you or your spouse, and will not give legal advice.

You and your spouse will attend the Mediation sessions, usually without your attorneys; however, you can consult with your attorney in between Mediation sessions for legal advice as to the decisions you are facing, as well as to draft the final written document commemorating the agreement that you reach in Mediation .

If you are interested in keeping the court out of your divorce, maintaining a respectful relationship afterwards, and saving money, divorce Mediation near Harrisburg, PA  is an alternative option worth exploring.

Schedule a Consultation with Daley Zucker, LLC in Harrisburg, PA to see if Mediation is right for you.

Protecting yourself and your family starts with the right family law attorney. From drafting prenuptial agreements to helping you navigate the complexities of child custody, support, or divorce, our attorneys are ready to help with practical solutions that lead to real results.

Ask about a free consultation with one of our Family Law attorneys!

Our Family Law Attorneys

Sandra L. Meilton
Tina M. Laudermilch
Karen W. Miller
Casey Johnson-Welsh

Important Documents

Family Law Questionnaire
Income and Expense Statement